
My Mom

Today my mom graduates from college. She has officially achieved her dream after so many years of hard work and sacrifice! Today my mom proves that if you have a dream you should always follow it! My mom is the most inspiring, hardworking, and amazing  person you will ever meet. With the support of her family, she decided to go back to school and follow a completely new path in life. She was inspired by other great women in her life to follow this path and in turn she also inspired others. One of the reasons I was so determined to go to Europe, besides me just being plain stubborn, was my mother. She inspired me to follow my dreams and fight for what I want in life. My mother is amazing, she is beautiful, she is kind, she is caring, she is a mom. She has given me so much love and support even though we are so far apart. I get at least one “Good morning sweetheart. I love and have a great day at school” texts at least once a week if not more. Thanks for always being my sunshine when my skies are gray. Thanks for loving me, taking care of me, and for watching Disney movies with about a million times. Thank you for showing me what a mom should be. But most of all thank you for being my mom and loving me flaws and all!

My mom

My mom

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